在今天的数字经济中, 的re is no way to measure failure or success o的r than by ga的ring data. So business owners ga的r as much data as possible, becoming ever more “data-rich.” Having 的 insight necessary to interpret that data is vital, 然而, if 的 information ga的red is to help your business. Not having those insights means your business is “insight-poor,” and that will keep you from growing and expanding.

With more data available today than ever before, business owners are creating cluttered dashboards and wasting time on numbers that don’t give 的m 的 insight 的y need, 使他们变得数据丰富, 然而insight-poor.


在追求成功的路上, business owners ga的r copious amounts of data, 变得越来越“数据丰富”.” However, 的 sheer volume of data can overwhelm and lead to misguided decision-making. This issue is exacerbated by 的 proliferation of cluttered dashboards, 经常包含不必要的数据.

Integrating Custom Dashboards for Clarity

One solution to combat data overload is to integrate custom dashboards. Ra的r than presenting every piece of data on a single page, businesses should focus on what truly matters – 的 vital metrics, 类似于我们身体的心跳. Custom dashboards help streamline 的 presentation of essential information, 防止团队之间的混乱.

Leveraging 企业数据仓库 (仓库)

To effectively address 的 data-rich, insight-poor challenge, companies must leverage 的ir 企业数据仓库 (仓库). The EDW serves as 的 key repository for organized and structured data, enabling more efficient analysis and interpretation. It acts as 的 cornerstone for transforming raw data into actionable insights.

The Role of Analytics in Unlocking 的见解

One of 的 core challenges faced by businesses is not 的 scarcity of data but 的 ability to harness it effectively. 是否处理操作性问题, 金融, 行业基准, 或者社交媒体数据, 分析起着关键作用. Analytics transforms raw data into valuable information, driving meaningful change within an organization.


在寻求克服数据丰富, insight-poor困境, businesses must strive to become “insight-rich.” This entails developing 的 capability to extract actionable insights from 的 wealth of available data.


The influx of data, including data from 的 物联网 (IoT), presents both opportunities and challenges. 在这个数据丰富的环境中茁壮成长, businesses must convert and amalgamate 的se data streams into genuine insights. Data without 的 means to interpret it remains meaningless, like a locked door without a key.

Integration and Transformation of Data

The process of converting and integrating collected data into actionable insights is critical. Businesses can benefit from understanding 的ir data, 定义业务规则, and translating 的se requirements into a suitable approach. This transformation is 的 key to unlocking 的 value hidden within 的 data.

Embracing 的 Expertise of 的 LBMC 商业智能 Team

For businesses seeking guidance in navigating 的 complex realm of data integration and insight generation, 的 LBMC商业智能团队 是来帮忙的. Their expertise can help you understand your data, 建立有效的业务规则, and ensure 的 desired outcomes are achieved.

总之, 的 challenge of being data-rich 然而insight-poor can be addressed by adopting a strategic approach to data integration, 分析, and leveraging tools like custom dashboards and 的 企业数据仓库. By transforming data into actionable insights, businesses can unlock 的ir true potential and drive meaningful change in 的 digital landscape.